Yesterday, the Trump administration dealt a one-two punch to the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces and the Americans who buy their health plans through them. The first blow was an executive order to federal agencies to write new regulations that would allow the sale of insurance products that skirt the ACA’s consumer protections. This change could leave millions of people either exposed to high health care costs or much higher premiums, and could lead to significant market instability. The second punch, which goes into effect immediately, is the administration’s decision to end payments to insurers for the ACA’s cost-sharing reductions (CSRs), which lower deductibles and other cost-sharing for lower- and moderate-income families.
The second punch has the power to be a knockout, triggering premium spikes and ultimately a mass exit of insurers from the marketplaces by 2019. Congress could effectively block the punch today by making a formal appropriation for the payments. Since insurers are required by law to offer the CSRs and the federal government is required to reimburse insurers for them, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has already assumed the cost of the CSRs in the federal budget baseline. This means that the appropriation is a formality: it would not increase the federal deficit. Senators Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray held hearings on stabilizing the marketplaces in September, with the CSR appropriation being the central policy proposal. Nearly all expert testimony supported making the appropriation.